Current Bulletin



My Dear Colleagues,
As we navigate the ever evolving landscape of healthcare, I am compelled to address a matter of utmost importance: the unity of our profession. In times of uncertainty and challenges, it is imperative that we stand together as a cohesive force, united to serv our patients and advance in the field of medicine.

The bond that unites us as doctors transcends specialities, afϐiliations and personal differences. It is rooted in a shared commitment to healing, compassion and excellence in patient care. Now more than ever, we must reaffirm our solidarity and collective resolve to overcome obstacles and champion the cause of health and well-being.

In the face of external pressures and systemic challenges, our unity is our greatest strength. By fostering a spirit of collaboration, mutual respect and support within our ranks, we can amplify our impact, advocate for our profession and effect positive change in the healthcare landscape.

Let us embrace diversity of thought and experience, recognizing that each of us brings unique insights and perspectives to the table. Through open dialogue, constructive engagement and a willingness to listen and learn from one another, we can cultivate a culture of inclusivity and empowerment that enriches our collective efforts.

During last month two particular development need your attention.

First, IMA National body has decided to demolish old IMA headquarter and build a new state of the art building in the prime area of New Delhi under the guidance, support & encouragement of our beloved leader. Dr Ketan Desai & Dr. Anil Nayak let us all be a part of it by offering ϐinancial donation in our own individual capacity.

IMA national headquarter has started membership drive under the leadership of Dr. Anil Nayak the national Secretory general. I am proud to inform you all that we have so far enrolled 1600 plus new members. I congratulate Dr. Mehul Shah, IMA-GSB secretary for his untiring efforts.

In closing, I urge each and every one of you to embrace the spirit of unity & solidarity that deϐines our noble.


For more information download bulletin PDF

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Greetings, My Dear Colleagues, As we navigate the ever evolving landscape of healthcare, I am compelled to address a matter of utmost importance: the unity of our profession. In times of uncertainty and challenges, it is imperative that we stand together as a cohesive force, united to serve our patients and a more ...

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